
New Craft Fair Display Rack

Wooden Fold Up DisplayOver the past few weeks we have been very busy with church, a rummage sale, my sister's surgical procedure and putting summer things away before winter comes.  It's incredible how quickly the days go by. Unfortunately, it's not a good time for me to be away from sewing since the craft fair season is quickly approaching. With that in mind, I recently got my husband to make me a new display rack.  The one I had was tall and heavy. It was pretty cumbersome for hauling and it barely fit into my SUV since it was so tall. Jeff made it from wood he had leftover in his wood shop.  It was economical and very useful. Unfortunately it was so heavy I struggled getting it in and out of the truck. So I designed a new one.  This one is shorter and made from a lighter wood.  Instead of cutting 2x4s in half, this one used 1x2s that were made of clear aspen, a very pretty wood.  So now it fits nicely in the SUV and I can lift it all with one hand. And it is very pretty. It folds up nicely and still has lots of display space. He is so good at making this stuff, and I am so lucky to have his help. Time to get back to sewing!

Wooden Fold Up Display


  1. Hi, Kathy. I love your display! Would you be willing to share the dimensions? I am looking to build something similar to use at farmers markets.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. I would also be interested in the dimensions if you are willing to share. I found you on Pinterest, and have been wanting to vuibuthis for a few months!

  4. I love your display rack. Do you have plans that you would be willing to share? My wife does craft shows and wants me to build a set of these for her.

  5. Any way you can give he measurements of this shelf?

  6. Are you willing to share your plans? I would be willing to pay for them.

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